Branded Entertainment

Branded Entertainment is an umbrella term for the different ways one can unite a brand with a form of entertainment. There is one general rule: the subject matter should have a close connection to the brand's main themes, messages and values but that the consumer's experience should come first.

LOCAVI focuses its work within specific forms of branded entertainment. In general, our work requires close collaborations with independent third parties within the entertainment industry.

Product Placement

We view product placement to primarily be the integration of a brand or product within audiovisual media content, such as in movies, TV shows, games or music videos.

Product placement works by presenting a brand and its products within an editorial or artistic context. Because the viewer has actively chosen to watch a specific media offering, they experience a high level of engagement with the subject matter. In a best case scenario viewers will intuitively transpose their positive entertainment experience and the communicated values from that format over onto the featured brand and its product.  


You have placed a product, created your own content or are acting as sponsor for an upcoming Event. Take advantage of this opportunity to reach new target groups and stimulate interest in a specific product. We will work together with your ad agencies to advise you and to assit in developing fitting communications strategies.

Communication measures that are associated with specific entertainment projects command a higher degree of effectiveness. This is due to how they appeal to target groups in terms of relevance and emotional content; they are thereby guaranteed an increased ability to attract your target group's attention.  At the same time your brand can also profit from the marketing and PR activities that are carried out in conjunction with a collaborative partner.

Content Creation

Content Creation describes a process whereby a brand is directly involved in the creation of entertainment formats that are optimized to fit your brand and your target groups. Working with professionals from the Entertainment industry ensures your chances of success.

Create a unique entertainment experience for your target group in a way that presents your brand and product in line with your overall marketing strategies.


Esports is a fast growing market that is steadily reaching the mainstream while creating its own "ecosystem". The number of spectators is increasing rapidly, major events are now taking place in stadiums and esports has become of growing interest for big investors.

Esports offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities centered around different games, leagues, events and teams - giving the chance to reach a young target group that cannot be addressed via classic media and advertising.

Entertainment industry events are known for having a high glamour factor and are not just unique experiences for their participants. They also deliver a range of interesting content that is covered by international media outlets.

Let your brand enjoy the spotlight at film festivals, award shows, galas, movie premieres or concerts. Together with our partners from the LEDAVI network we offer brands bespoke event concepts. Collaborations with partners from the entertainment industry provides access to international celebrities, adding to the PR-relevance of your campaign.

Brand Ambassadors

Successful stars within the entertainment industry become recognized brands that embody certain brand images.

Not only can they can be hired to provide testimonials as additional support for traditional marketing measures; there is also a diverse range of other opportunities for engaging stars as brand ambassadors.